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@elementumjs/component is the simplest tiny framework to work with vanilla WebComponents. Vue.js inspired syntax.

How to use it

Component registration

The new component definition should extend the Component class and use the attach static function to register the component with a associated HTML tag to use them on HTML files:

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        // ...

    Component.attach("award-component", AwardComponent);

Or using shorter syntax:

    Component.attach("award-component", class extends Component {
        // ...

Component definition

Component information

There are two ways to initialize component information. Both of them implements @elementumjs/listenable-data:

Component data getter function defines component initial data. It is accesible from other component methods using as an Object.

Parent component

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        static get data() {
            return {
                points: 0
        // ...
Component attributes

Component.attrs getter function defines component attributes and allows to receive information reactively from parent component. The initial definition of Component.attrs also defines the type of the data that it contains. It is accesible from other component methods using Component.attrs as an Object. It must be a static getter:

Child component

    class GetPointsComponent extends Component {
        static get attrs() {
            return {
                currentPoints: 0
        // ...

Parent component

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        // ...
        template() {
            return html`<div>
                <get-points-component currentPoints="${}"></get-points-component>
        // ...
Watch for component information

Component.attrs and implements @elementumjs/listenable-data and this library allows to listen for data changes. Its API is the same for both objects:

Parent component

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        // ...
        changeListener(value, oldValue) {
            console.log(value, oldValue);

        rendered() {
  'points', this.changeListener);
            // or this.attrs.listen(path, listener);
        // ...

Component structure

To define the component structure the methods Component.styles() and Component.template() must be defined in this way:

Component template

The Component.template() must return a Template object (from @elementumjs/template). In this case the template can be filled with references to Component.attrs and To learn more about the template syntax checkout the @elementumjs/template documentation).

class AwardComponent extends Component {
    // ...
    template() {
        return html`<div>
            <span>You got ${} points!</span>
            <get-points-component currentPoints="${}"></get-points-component>
            <p>${ >= 3 ? "Winner!" : "" }</p>
Component styles

The Component.styles() must return an string with the CSS definitions:

class AwardComponent extends Component {
    // ...
    styles() {
        return `
            p {
                font-weight: bold;
                font-size: 16px;

Component life-cycle

The component life-cycle is composed by three steps:

Step Actions performed Triggered by Method fired at completion
Creation Data and attributes initialization. and Component.attrs are ready! let c = new MyComponent(); Component.created()
Renderization Component renderization and data & events listeners registration. DOM ready via Component.root! document.body.appendChild(c); Component.rendered()
Destruction Component destruction and listeners unregistration. document.body.removeChild(c); Component.destroyed()

To perform actions into the component life-cycle, overload the created, rendered and destroyed methods:

Parent component

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        // ...
        created() { console.log('created'); }
        rendered() { console.log('rendered'); }
        destroyed() { console.log('destroyed'); }
        // ...

Communication between nested components

The Parent <--> Child communication must be done passing information to the Child using its attributes, and listening to its changes:

Parent component

    class AwardComponent extends Component {
        // ...
        template() {
            // Injecting data to the child using its attributes
            return html`<div>
                <get-points-component currentPoints="${}"></get-points-component>
        rendered() {
            // Listening for changes on the child attributes and updating the parent data
            const getPointsComponent = this.root.querySelector('get-points-component');
            getPointsComponent.attrs.listen('currentPoints', (val, old) => {
       = val;

Full example

Parent component definition: award-component.js.

import { Component, html } from '@elementumjs/component';
import './get-points-component.js';

Component.attach('award-component', class extends Component {
    static get data() {
        return {
            points: 0,
    styles() {
        return `
            p {
                font-weight: bold;
                font-size: 26px;
    template() {
        return html`<div>
            <span>You got ${} points!</span>
            <get-points-component currentPoints="${}"></get-points-component>
            <p>${ >= 3 ? "Winner!" : "" }</p>
    rendered() {
        const getPointsComponent = this.root.querySelector('get-points-component');
        getPointsComponent.attrs.listen('currentPoints', (val, old) => {
   = val;

Child component definition: get-points-component.js.

import { Component, html } from '@elementumjs/component';

Component.attach('get-points-component', class extends Component {
    static get attrs() {
        return {
            currentPoints: 0
    template() {
        return html`<input type="button" on-click="${this.updatePoints}" value="Get points!"/>`;
    updatePoints() {

index.html definition:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<script type="module" src="./award-component.js"></script>


Import from CDN as ES Module

Import from jsDelivr CDN:

    import Component from "";

Or install the package locally

Download the package

Install via npm:

    npm install @elementumjs/component

Import as ES Module

ES Module builds are intended for use with modern bundlers like webpack 2 or rollup. Use it with ES6 JavaScript import:

    import Component from '@elementumjs/component';

Other import methods

Checkout other import methods in dist/